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Toto Bear Cute & Heartwarming

2024-05-07 admin 106 Read
Toto Bear Cute & Heartwarming - Relaxing and good-natured simulatorToto Bear: Cute & Heartwarming - a cute arcade simulatorfor Android devices.Game time matches real time Great fun with a meditative atmosphere for Android users of all ages. Here you will meet a bear named Toto and help him complete a very secret mission. Toto will be your new best friend as he walks on two legs, meets other characters, explores the human world, and leas touching stories from other characters along the way. The time in the game will correspond to the real one, and the soulful plot and charming visual design will not leave anyone indifferent. Charming Characters While adventuring in the company of a hero, you can uncover new storylines and even find a lot Dragon Tiger 777various treasures. Toto you will help deal with everyday affairs, go to work, pick peaches, meet and interact with other characters, stroll through the shops of the city and much more. You can also unlock stylish outfits for your new friend Toto, make him look irresistible, and explore different locations with him.CPU---Android OS5.1Open GL---Free Space 54.37 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----