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Tactical Battle Simulator

2024-05-06 admin 85 Read
Tactical Battle Simulator - Simulator of war with infantry and equipmentTactical Battle Simulator - wars in simulator format. Imagine yourself in the place of commander. Can you properly distribute your forces and destroy the enemy, losing as few fighters? Arrange the infantry and equipment on the battlefield, watch the fight from a bird's eye view and cheer for your team. The game entirely resembles the well-known Epic Battle Simulator, but there are two features: firstly, you have several epochs available (besides archers and crusaders you can train shooters and equipment), secondly you have a first-person view, that is . you can play not only as7up Down dome a strategist, but as a warrior.CPU---Android OS5.0Open GL---Free Space 78.97 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newДобавлено 2 новые карты и множество новых юнитов.Update history-----