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Free download Lazy Racer APK for Android

2024-04-30 admin 84 Read
  • Lazy Racer
  • Lazy Racer
  • Lazy Racer
  • Lazy Racer
  • Lazy Racer
  • Lazy Racer
Description of Lazy Racer

I'm lDragon Tiger Rummyooking for a developer to take over the project. If you feel that you can handle it - drop me a line [email protected]

Lazyracer is a racing oriented application that may be used for kitesurfing, snowkiting, windsurfing, yachting or any other type of wind activity. It is capable of showing several parameters such as SOG, COG, TWA, VMG online.

Please read my thoughts about commenting and reviewing on the official web =)

There are three modes - Tactical, Navigation and Start timer.
In Tactical mode you can see a polar graph, SOG, COG, TWA, VMG and other parameters.
Navigation mode is plain simple navigation =)
Start timer is an ISAF start procedure 5,4,1,0.

getting started video (turn English subtitles on):

Please send me your feedback your thoughts and suggestions and feature requests!
please update program frequently!

check the web site to get more info.

! you can use maps offline - just cache enough area on fast connection using MOBAC

to turn on backlight in energy saving mode - shake your device firmly. backlight will stay on for 10 seconds

controls (you can always use settings menu):
1. change between Auto and Manual TWD mode - PHOTO button double click
2. TWD change in Manual mode - Volume controls
3. Polar graph, vmg and max speed reset - hold PHOTO button over two seconds
4. Quater and Full polar graph change - single press on PHOTO button
5. Change displayed parameters - hold PHOTO button and simultaniously press + or - voulme control

here is some common abbreviations that used in app
SOG (Speed Over Ground) - your speed in kmh
COG (Course Over Ground) - your course in deg
TWA (True Wind Angle) - differens between your course and wind
TWD (True Wind Direction) - wind direction
VMG (Velocity Made Good) - projection of your speed to wind direction.

Version history Lazy Racer New in Lazy Racer 2.64 see all the changes on Please rate this app